Category: Collaboration
“Be more open to the ideas that children bring. They learn better when they’re interested.” – Marie
In this episode, I speak with Marie, a homeschooling mom of two, about her earliest memories of attending schools in Canada, including at a French private school for kindergarten, and an alternative one for her final year of high school. We also discuss her journey of making the decision to homeschool her children, to ultimately…
Connection, project based learning, and an understanding of how our brains work
In this episode, I speak with Megan—a special education teacher and advocate for the disability community—about her memories of testing gifted at an early age, and her discovery of what giftedness means when she went through her special education credentialing program, over a decade later. We talk about the structural issues with our heavily standardized…
Inclusion, differentiated support, and a plan for leading with our strengths
In this episode, I speak with Tim—an educator, podcaster, and the Director of Communications for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. We talk about his journey from considering a career in family counseling to becoming a special education teacher working with families and then schools for 16 years. We also discuss the shift in his…
Positive reinforcement, creativity, and the audacity to question authority
In this episode, I interview Lauren—a poet, musician, voice coach, and mom—about her earliest memories of being creative. She talks about the influence her family and societal messaging had on the development of her voice, how schools limited her freedom, and what it took to recover her creative confidence. My first question to her was…
How might we empower students to lead their own personalized learning journeys by fundamentally reimagining education systems to prioritize collaborative growth over standardized metrics of competition?
Over the past 10 months, I spoke with people representing 27 countries across 6 continents to examine the shifting perspectives on education practices, globally. Using the human-centered design framework to facilitate and process these interviews, I asked lots of big questions, and received amazing responses. In this season finale, I’ll share five emerging insights, and…